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[PROTEOMETECH] IR52 Jang Young-Shil Award of TriCheck


view : 2844

The next generation pregnancy diagnostic kit "TriCheck" developed by ProteomeTech Inc. was awarded [IR52 Jang Young-Shil Award] from Minister of Science, ICT and Future Planning, Republic of Korea. “TriCheck” is a pregnancy diagnostic kit that overcome the false negative error by high conc. of hCG and hCGβcf. [Advantage]

  1. Reliable pregnancy test that overcomes the false negative misinterpretation due to high concentration of hCG & hCGβcf.
  2. Pregnancy test with enhanced precision with an additional test line.
  3. Quick urine test that can be done in 3~5 minutes for early pregnancy diagnosis by detection of hCG concentration above 25 mIU/mL.
Thank you so much.

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