PROTIA Inc. intends to contribute to human welfare
and health through the new paradigm of technology.


[PROTEOMETECH] 2018 MEDICA (Dusseldorf, Germany)


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ProteomeTech Inc. attended in MEDICA 2018. MEDICA is the world’s largest medical trade fair. The show is being held at Dusseldorf Exhibition Centre which is located in the city of Dusseldorf, Germany. On the four days of the fair, around 120,000 visitors (with an international share of approx. two thirds from around 155 countries) enjoyed an offer that was more extensive and international than ever before. The fair took place from 12 to 15 November 2018. 5,273 exhibitors from 66 countries and an international share of more than 80 percent mean a new record for MEDICA. ProteomeTech Inc. has several innovative IVD products. All of Proteometech’s products, Allergy-Q, ImmuneCheck IgG and TriCheck, are world-first products and are being reputed a great success in Korea and the exporting countries. PROTIA Allergy-Q is allergy diagnostic kit detecting up to over 60 allergens in a single test, ImmuneCheck IgG is quantitative rapid immunoassay kit for measuring total human IgG concentration in whole blood or serum, TriCheck is pregnancy test that overcome false negative at high concentration of hCG and hCGβcf. New product, ImmuneCheck IgE is quantitative rapid immunoassay kit for measuring total human IgE concentration in serum.

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